What is a vulnerable person?
We define a vulnerable person as someone who is exposed or susceptible to harm or loss.
This may be temporary, sporadic or a permanent situation.
We want to ensure that people who are identified as vulnerable are assisted and supported with empathy, understanding, sensitivity, compassion and respect.
Are you vulnerable?
You may not realise it, but you may be vulnerable if you are experiencing one or more of the following circumstances:
you have a mental or physical illness and / or disability
you have experienced or are experiencing domestic or family violence
you are elderly
you have recently suffered a close family tragedy
you have been subject to financial abuse
you come from a culturally or linguistically diverse background
have a low financial literacy
you reside in a remote area
you have recently been impacted by a natural disaster
have suffered an addiction or have other behavioural challenges
there are other factors contributing to significant detriment
What we can do to assist you
Where you, your authorised representative or a member of our team identify you as being a vulnerable person we will provide you with a number of options including:
providing a moratorium on payments, interest, fees and charges (where applicable)
deferring collection action for a period of time
advising our client that we have identified you as a vulnerable person
referring you to relevant support services
Meeting your needs
We take social responsibility seriously and will make every attempt to meet your needs during this difficult period.
Please indicate to us:
if you have a particular preference for communication
if you have a preferred time for communication that is more convenient to your situation
if you are unsure of something or require clarification
if you would like your account managed by another account manager
if there are thoughts of inflicting self-harm
Support services are available
If you are experiencing difficulties in managing your debt or your personal circumstances, these services may be able to assist you.
Lifeline w www.lifelife.org.au p 13 11 14
1800 Respect
p 1800 737 732
Beyond Blue
p 1300 224 636
National Debt Helpline
p 1800 007 007
National Association of Community Legal Centres
p (02) 9264-9595